Understanding Coal Mine Dust Lung Disease and Its Broader Impact on Coal Miners’ Health

Coal mine dust poses significant health risks, causing a range of debilitating lung diseases collectively called coal mine dust lung diseases (CMDLD). Among the best known of these diseases is coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (CWP), commonly referred to as “black lung.” However, coal mine dust exposure can also lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and impaired lung function, all of which contribute to serious health consequences for coal miners. The ongoing burden is highlighting the importance of dust control measures and screening efforts to protect miners from these preventable diseases. [continue reading] Understanding Coal Mine Dust Lung Disease and Its Broader Impact on Coal Miners’ Health

Top 5 Reasons to Implement ISO 23875 Cab Air Quality Standard

Benefits of Incorporating ISO 23875 into your Occupational Health and Safety Management System

The ISO 23875 cab air quality standard was developed for the extreme conditions of mining but can be used in any industry to protect heavy-equipment machine operators from harmful respirable particulate. It has been adopted as a national standard in many countries, such as in AS/NZS ISO 23875 Australia and New Zealand. So why implement ISO 23875 with Amendment 1 if it is not mandated by a regulatory body? [continue reading] Top 5 Reasons to Implement ISO 23875 Cab Air Quality Standard

Aggregate Site Reduces Machine Operators’ Silica Exposure and Increases Alertness

Initial installation and 8-month follow-up investigation of cab air-quality system and certification under ISO 23875

    • Location: Aggregate Quarry
    • Pilot machines:
      • Cat 775G Haul Truck
      • Cat 982M Wheel Loader

[continue reading] Aggregate Site Reduces Machine Operators’ Silica Exposure and Increases Alertness

Implementing ISO 23875 Cab Air Quality Standard at your Company/Job Sites

ISO 23875, the global standard for Cab Air Quality, provides methodology and engineering controls to ensure your machine operators have reduced exposure to harmful respirable particulate when in the cab. [continue reading] Implementing ISO 23875 Cab Air Quality Standard at your Company/Job Sites

Introducing: New Sy-Klone Cabin Air Recirculation Filters

New High-Efficiency Cabin Air Recirculation Filters Reduce Occupational Exposure

Introducing Sy-Klone’s new OEM-replacement filters featuring higher-efficiency filter media to support improved air quality in heavy dust and debris conditions, promoting safer working environments inside heavy equipment cabs. Available for select Caterpillar, Hitachi, Komatsu, and Kubota brand equipment, the filters are easy to install and include a filter and mounting hardware, and replacement filters are available. [continue reading] Introducing: New Sy-Klone Cabin Air Recirculation Filters

Case Study: Aggregate Site Reduces Machine Operators’ Dust Exposure and Increases Alertness

Initial installation and 8-month follow-up investigation of cab air-quality system and certification under ISO 23875

    • Location: Aggregate Quarry
    • Pilot machines:
      • Cat 775G Haul Truck
      • Cat 982M Wheel Loader

[continue reading] Case Study: Aggregate Site Reduces Machine Operators’ Dust Exposure and Increases Alertness

Sy-Klone International Recognizes Resellers with Awards of Excellence

Sy-Klone International, a global manufacturer of cab air quality and engine precleaner products, is recognizing excellence in its reseller network with the announcement of the inaugural 2022 Sy-Klone Circle of Protection Awards Honorees. [continue reading] Sy-Klone International Recognizes Resellers with Awards of Excellence

Introducing new and enhanced particulate, odor, and gas filters

Minimize Exposure. Maximize Protection.

Protect machine operator air quality from harmful respirable particulates, odors, vapors and gasses, with new and enhanced filtration solutions from Sy-Klone International. Our team has engineered new products to better meet market demand and support improved performance in a variety of applications. The new and enhanced filters facilitate international standards compliance and/or enable enhanced air quality attainment. [continue reading] Introducing new and enhanced particulate, odor, and gas filters


Sy-Klone®, Gideon®, OPTIMAX®, RadialSHIELD®, RESPA®, RESPA Advisor®, Series 9000®, Vortex®, Vortex HyperFLOW®, and XLR Powered Precleaner® are registered trademarks of Sy-Klone International.
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