RESPA Advisor+ FAQ: Operations and Usage Questions

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Questions and Answers

Q: After installing the RESPA Advisor+, I’m receiving erratic CO2 readings. Why are the readings like this?

A: The CO2 sensor has a built-in calibration process that takes up to 24 hours to initially adjust to its new environment. After 24 hours of run time, the readings should stabilize.

Q: When going up or down hills or changing elevation, the pressure alarm is activating. What is causing this?

A: The pressure sensors must recalibrate to account for elevation change (elevation affects ambient pressure). The recalibration should occur within 30 seconds, once the machine has reached a consistent elevation level. The audible alarm can be silenced using the touch screen during the ascent/descent. If you intend to install or have installed the RESPA Advisor+ on a machine that will frequently be changing elevation, contact your Sy-Klone sales representative to discuss application guidance.

Q: My touchscreen doesn’t always respond. How can I get it to respond better?

A: Using a stylus or similar device often allows the touchscreen to respond better.  If the problem continues, contact us via our website ( for technical support.

Q: On the home screen, the pressure reading has a black background. What does it mean?

A: A black or gray background means the monitor and the APS box are not connected. To connect the devices, go into Settings, select Bluetooth, and manually scan for, and connect, the APS. If it is not shown on the list of connected devices, follow the reconnecting instruction in Section 6: Bluetooth Settings included in the operation manual. You can view / download the manual on the RESPA Advisor Support page.

Q: The readings on the home screen change color. What do the colors mean?  

A: The display for pressure, filter life, and CO2 change color according to their status. Green means conditions are good and within defined ranges. As pressure and CO2 conditions approach the bounds of defined ranges, the color will change to amber (yellow) and when they reach alert levels, will change to red. If you have configured filter life tracking, as the filter approaches its maximum filter life, the color of the filter reading will change to yellow, then red. View / download the operation manual on the RESPA Advisor Support page.

Q: On the home screen, the filter ID reading is gray. What does it mean?  

A: A gray box means filter life tracking has not been set up, which can be done in the Filter Selection menu in Settings. Once configured, the reading will show each installed filter in a color indicating how much filter life remains and the filter life display box can now be selected to see more detailed information on the filter life. View / download the operation manual on the RESPA Advisor Support page for complete details.

Q: When I change the RadialSHIELD® filter, does the filter life reading automatically reset?

A: When the filter is changed, the filter life setting should be reset manually. View / download the operation manual on the RESPA Advisor Support page for complete details on how to reset the filter life tracker.

Q: In what temperature range does the RESPA Advisor+ operate?

A: The monitor and ambient pressure sensor (APS) operate at the following temperate ranges: 

  • Monitor temperature range inside the cab: -14°F to 140°F (-10°C to 60°C)
  • Ambient Pressure Sensor (APS) temperature range outside the cab: -40°F to 176°F (-40°C to 80°C)

Q: What regular maintenance do you recommend?

A: The RESPA Advisor+ does not require maintenance on a regular basis. However, from time to time, the unit may need to be recalibrated.  For recalibration instructions, refer to page 15 in the operation manual on the RESPA Advisor Support page for complete details.

Additionally, the Ambient Pressure Sensor (APS) includes a  pressure port located on the bottom of the unit that should be inspected periodically to ensure it is not clogged. Sy-Klone recommends this be done every time the RadialSHIELD® filter is changed.

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