Series 9000 Models, Airflow, Dimensions & Hood Clearances

Series 9000 Dimensions diagram


It is essential that you select the correct model based on CFM (m3/min) airflow requirements, not air inlet size (A). If you do not know the required airflow, see our online Series 9000 Sizing Calculator. If you cannot determine the correct precleaner from this matrix or the calculator, please contact our technical support department for assistance

You must allow adequate clearance between the hood and the base of the precleaner for it to function properly. There are extension pipes and other adaptation parts available to increase clearance when necessary. Contact your Dealer or Sy-Klone for details.

>> Go to Series 9000 Sizing Calculator
>> Go to Series 9000 Savings Calculator
>> Go to Series 9000 Models

Model Dimensions in inches or millemeters
(ID = inner diameter)
Airflow: CFM or m3/min Weight
lb or kg
Min Hood

inches or mm
A B C D E D+E Min Max
2.015 ID 4.5 0.8 0.5 2.5 3.00 10 50 0.50 2.0
51.18 ID 114.3 20.3 12.7 63.5 76.2 0.28 1.42 0.2268 50.8
9000R in-> 3.021 ID 6.7 1.2 0.5 3.7 4.2 50 120 0.80 3.0
9000R mm-> 76.73 ID 170.2 30.5 12.7 94.0 106.7 1.42 3.40 0.3629 76.2
9001 in-> 4.031 ID 8.507 2.6 0.9 5.8 6.3 100 275 2.6 4.0
9001 mm-> 102.38 ID 216.1 66.1 22 146.5 159.7 2.83 7.79 1.179 101.6
9001R in-> 4.031 ID 8.507 2.603 0.9 5.768 6.288 275 350 2.4 4.0
9001R mm-> 102.38 ID 216.1 66.1 22 146.5 159.7 7.79 9.91 1.089 101.6
9005 in-> 5.03 ID 10.63 2.97 0.9 7.03 7.90 350 500 2.0 5.0
9005 mm-> 127.29 ID 270.05 75.44 22 178.56 200.66 9.91 14.16 .91 127.0
9002 in-> 6.042 ID 13.1 4.0 2.5 8.6 11.1 500 650 6.5 6.0
9002 mm-> 153.74 ID 331.8 102.0 63.5 218.5 282.0 14.16 18.41 2.948 152.4
9002R in-> 6.042 ID 13.1 4.0 2.5 8.6 11.1 650 800 6.4 6.0
9002R mm-> 153.74 ID 331.8 102.0 63.5 218.5 282.0 18.41 22.65 2.903 152.4
9003 in-> 8.062 ID 18.0 5.3 3.0 11.4 14.4 800 1150 11.8 8.0
9003 mm-> 204.77 ID 457.2 135.7 76.2 290.5 366.7 22.65 32.56 5.352 203.2
9004 in-> 8.062 ID 18.0 5.3 3.0 11.4 14.4 1150 1400 11.0 8.0
9004 mm-> 204.77 ID 457.2 135.7 76.2 290.5 366.7 32.56 39.64 4.99 203.2
photo of all precleaners

Airflows above 1400 CFM (39.64 m3/m) can be handled with multiple unit installations. Please contact Sy-Klone for assistance.